Environmental Policy

Float Glass Industries Limited accepts its responsibility towards the environment. We acknowledges the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and working towards a sustainable future.

In particular, Float Glass Industries will:

  • Comply fully with our legal obligations in limiting the lowest practicable level of harm to the environment.
  • Plan, organise and control our activities, products and services that may have an impact on the environment.
  • Assist national / local environmental agencies in complying with current legislation.
  • Engage the co-operation of its contractors in the promotion of their responsibilities.
  • The contractors to deal with glass cullet waste and other industrial waste must apply effective environmental procedures. Copies of contractors environmental policies will be retained by the Company.
  •  Consider any reasonable requests or suggestions from all interested parties with respect to the environment.
  • Consider and assess the environmental impact of the source and delivery of products and
    services purchased by Float Glass Limited
  • Aim to purchase goods only from companies who have a suitable Environmental Policy.
  • Recycle all waste and to reduce waste wherever possible
  • Ensure that competent personnel with the expertise and knowledge are available, or have the access to competent bodies, to enable this policy to be carried out.
  • To include an evaluation of energy efficiency within proposals for capital purchases and applications.
  • When required independent expertise will be engaged to monitor the occupational hygiene sampling of inhalable matter within its site to ensure current legislation is complied with and is in the best interest of its employees.
  • Independent asbestos surveys will be carried out as per current legislation, actioning recommended requirements as advised.
  • Continue to eliminate the need for any duplication of its bought in goods.
  • Manage our transportation policy to reduce the impact on congestion and pollution by not undertaking un-necessary / duplicated journeys.
  • Ensure that the company’s distribution fleet comply with all local and national emission laws and the company fuel efficiency targets.
  • Provide suitable and sufficient information to its employees to enable them to actively assist the company with its responsibilities.
  • Ensure that all company cars are electrically powered by 2030.
  • Strive to achieve net zero carbon footprint before 2030.
  • Regularly review the basis of this policy.

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